Find my Sim-Buddy!

Share your Prof-Check and Sim-Training costs with your Buddy in your region.

Select your Aircraft-Type, Authority and Location.
We find you a Sim-Partner!

You save thousands of euros on your Sim-Sessions by sharing the costs with your Buddy!

It's for FREE.

Currently 233 Buddies are searching for a Sim-Partner

How it works

  • Create a profile in a few minutes

    With you select your Aircraft Type, Authority and Region.

  • Leave your contact details

    Leave your mail and phone, we contact you with a suitable Sim-Partner.

  • Wait for it!

    We connect you with a Sim-Buddy on your Aircraft type in your Region, you save money on your Simulator Sessions.

What Pilots say

  • portrait of Frits J.

    Frits J.

    First Officer Falcon 2000

    Dear all, thank you for the amazing app and everyone involved with the training. It got me a new job! I am excited to be in the air again. ?? many thanks!

  • portrait of Dan Verdinan

    Dan Verdinan

    Captain B777 and B737

    "I worked 4 years in the Middle-East on a B777, via I could find a partner to split the costs to revalidate my expired EASA B737 rating again."

  • portrait of Chân Waicat

    Chân Waicat

    Captain A320

    "Flying in Asia for several years, I could find my sim partner to revalidate my EASA A320 license here in Singapore with"

  • portrait of Kathryn W.

    Kathryn W.

    First Officer ATR-72

    "Due to COVID, the company I worked for went bankrupt. Thanks to, I was able to find a sim partner on two occasions to keep my ATR-72 license valid while I was unemployed. As a result, I have now been offered a new job."

Grading & Interview Preparation

Assessment Guides for 30+ Airlines

Click here to buy airlines assessment guides for almost every airline! has over 200 Sim-Buddies worldwide. 

Register FOR FREE in a few minutes!

Save up to 50% by sharing your Simulator costs with your Sim-Buddy.

Do you need to renew your expired licence with extra Sim-Sessions?

Do you need to renew your annual Prof-Check?

Do you need to practice your handling skills for a grading?

Save up to thousands of Euros on your Simulator Sessions:, find your perfect Sim-partner.

More About Our Network Coming Soon

About us

Find My Sim-Buddy

Welcome to! The first and the only link between pilots and training organisations worldwide.

The excessive costs of simulator sessions to maintain or re-obtain a pilot license, practice for a grading, transfer a type-rating to a different license authority or revalidate the annual proficiency check, are too often funded by the pilot. As pilots ourselves, we truly understand the importance of reducing these expenses to a minimum.

Started during the pandemic, when the number of job-seekers was all-time high, was born to facilitate the connection between Sim Buddy’s around the world to share the costs for these simulator sessions.

Our matching criteria considers the purpose of simulator session, date range, aircraft type and region, so you can find your perfect Sim Partner to share the costs!

Although we are lucky to be back in the Flight Deck, our main objective remains: to help as many fellow pilots to regain, keep or upgrade their wings as soon as possible! And all, free of charge!

For any questions, please contact us.